May 9, 2017


View select samples of my work or download my resume. For more samples, contact me.

Website content

schoolmint home page above fold

SchoolMint | Website redesign 

Collaborated with CMO, developer, and designer to refresh website for cloud-based school enrollment platform:

  • Consulted on information architecture and site navigation.
  • Conducted research (market, competitors, keyword).
  • Wrote new content for 12 pages and updated 10+ pages.
  • Ported updated content over to new page templates and optimized for SEO and UX.
  • Staged pages in WordPress, QA’d, and finalized.

Click each image to enlarge.

fourthpillar home page screenshot

FourthPillar, LLC | Website revamp

Built new brochure site for management consulting firm in WordPress, wrote all new content and UI text, sourced and placed stock photography.

ocean film festival home page

International Ocean Film Festival | Website manager

(Volunteer): Crafted, edited, staged, published, and managed all content and posts. Oversaw migration from WordPress to Squarespace, advised on navigation and content strategy, and served on Marketing Committee.

Click each image to enlarge.

Research/white papers

NovoEd | Collaborative learning platform

How the Shift to Remote Work Made Corporate Learning Better

cover pg - how the shift to remove work made learning better

April 2021

Corporate learning report/ebook: Analyzed raw data from survey of corporate learning executives conducted by third-party research firm. Developed the story, created outline and “wireframes,” wrote draft, collaborated with stakeholders to refine, worked with designer to fine-tune data visualization/graphics, and finalized for publication online.

Ebook (PDF)


Reimagining the PreK – 12 School Enrollment Experience

cover of ebook - reimagining prek-12 school enrollment experience

Guide to Strategic Enrollment Management for School Districts

December 2017

Collaborated with CMO and designer to produce user-friendly lead-gen product from draft: Edited, proofed, and worked with designer to finalize for production.

White paper (PDF)


NovoEd | Collaborative learning platform

Multiple projects: Concepted, researched (topic and keyword), crafted story and content, collaborated with designer, created corresponding blog post, optimized for SEO/accessibility, staged in WordPress.

4 Key Steps to Move Training Online

March 2020

Infographic and post to help companies quickly adapt in-person training to virtual programs as the pandemic took hold.

Infographic (PDF) | Blog post

5 Ways to Engage Millennials at Work

December 2019

Infographic and post targeting corporate learning management teams.

Infographic (png) | Blog post

infographic - 5 ways to engage millennials at work



Automating School Choice Enrollment in the Real World

June 2017

Researched (topic and keyword), interviewed subject matter experts, wrote draft, incorporated feedback, staged in WordPress (1,700 words).

Blog post | Full text (PDF)

automating school choice post thumbnail

International Ocean Film Festival

SF Students Get a Lift to the Festival

February 2017

Wrote post to promote the Education Program and encourage schools to apply for a grant to bus local students to the festival.

Full text (png)

post re sf students get bus ride to IOFF

Marketing materials

Teachscape (now Frontline) | Web content/copywriter

Other editing & proofreading


books i have worked on
Selection of books I’ve worked on

The Big Fix: Hope After Heroin. Tracey Helton Mitchell (Seal Press, 2016) — FEATURED ON NPR’S FRESH AIR

This Is Cancer: Everything You Need to Know, From the Waiting Room to the Bedroom. Laura Holmes Haddad (Seal Press, 2016)

Running: A Love Story. Jen A. Miller (Seal Press, 2016)

Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls: A Handbook for Unapologetic Living. Jes Baker (Seal Press, 2015) — FEATURED ON NBC’S TODAY SHOW


content magazine cover
Copy editor and proofreader for Content Magazine, a bimonthly covering Silicon Valley’s arts and creative culture

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Let’s talk about how I can help with your next project! Contact me.